Tuesday 13 September 2011

Say Goodbye to Fatty Boombah

A lot of bloggers are talking about looking into weight loss programmes at the moment - must be the hint of summer in the air- that pressure of having to be seen in public, possibly in a bathing suit will do that to anyone. 

Like so many women out there, I am not happy with how I look. I feel fat, I feel unhealthy and I don't fit in to any of my pre-pregnancy clothes. I have always been a yo-yo dieter, but before my pregnancy with Master Z, I was at my ideal weight, I was comfortable in my own skin and loving life because of it. I then got pregnant, and unfortunately suffered a miscarriage at 8 weeks. In my infinite wisdom, I decided that spoiling myself with all my favourite meals and food treats was going to make me feel better and take the pain away - nothing like emotional eating hey!! For about 4 weeks, I ate everything in sight - so proud of myself that I wasn't resorting to alcohol or anything silly to make the pain lessen. Hindsight is a wonderful thing, but I now know that in times of hurt, I eat to feel better and it is something I am more aware of and definitely don't want to do again.

Fortunately, we got pregnant again straight away, but the damage was done. I had already put on 18 kilos when I found out I was pregnant the second time and through the course of the pregnancy with Master Z, I put on a total of 42 kilos. I didn't think about what I was eating or doing and even my obstetrician said that pregnancy was the one time you can eat what you want, so I did .... and then some!!!! I have managed to get rid of 23 kilos, but am stuck in a cycle of excuses about how I am going to manage getting back the old me.

One of the blogs I follow is Dr Duncan Jefferson and as I was eating a pack of Tina Wafers last night (not even Tim-Tams! C'Mon Chantel, if you are going to do something, at least do it in style! - but no, I don't keep Tim Tams in the house as I would only eat them - hence the Tina Wafers!!!) I read his post about Stroke prevention. I looked at the risk factors he mentioned and aside from not smoking, I am really not doing anything to look after my health. As I am carrying a significant amount of extra weight at the moment, I am sure if I was tested, I would have high blood pressure, high cholesterol and be heading towards developing Type II Diabetes. These are all factors that can cause significant health complications and even death.

I need to look at being overweight as first and foremost a health issue and focus on getting healthy. I want to be healthy and fit enough to run after my kids, I want to feel good about myself, be able to fit into pretty clothes and most importantly, I want to be around to watch my kids grow up. My biggest short term motivating factor for getting healthy and losing weight is having more kids. If I fell pregnant at the weight I am now, I would not be comfortable and would be putting myself and the baby at risk. 

I had been toying with ways to get back on track, when the universe delivered me I received an email from Huggies, promoting Michelle Bridges' 12 Week Body Transformation. It starts on 26 September and finishes at Christmas. I saw this as a good way to get myself started, get back to eating well and starting an exercise habit back up again. I realise I haven't exercised at all since Master Z was born, so going on 20 months now!

Since signing up, I have read that Sarah at Ah,The possibilities! and Suz at Segovia are also participating and I am sure there are more bloggie people joining in that I haven't come across yet. Michelle has set some Pre-season tasks for us to do, which includes introducing ourselves on the forums, shedding our excuses and making a commitment to ourselves and those around us. So this is me making my commitment - I will do everything in my power over the 12 week programme to make steps towards my short and long term goals. I will blog about it along the way, so sorry if it gets boring, but putting it out there, in this space, makes me accountable and will hopefully be one thing that helps to keep me on track. My goal is to lose 15 kilos over the 12 week programme and have an exercise regime established that becomes a long term routine for me.

So please cheer me along, be stern with me when I falter and remind me of where I want to be at the end of these 12 weeks.

Chantel x
  linking up today with Jess from Diary of a SAHM for I blog on Tuesdays.


Unknown said...

Good luck on your Weightloss journey.


Anonymous said...

Good on you! I am so excited to be starting this programme as well. I deliberately didn't read Dr Duncan's post ;) x

No one said...

Good luck and remember to have fun and frame everything in a positive "giving myself this gift" frame of mind (rather than, "depriving myself of this" frame of mind) :).

EssentiallyJess said...

Daisy at daisyrooandtwo.blogspot.com is also doing Michelle Bridges as well, and I read about someone else, though I can't remember who.
Good on you for deciding to make this change. I have so much admiration for those people who decide to make a change, then do it!

And thanks so much for linking up! you have a a lovely little blog, and I'm following you now :)

Julie said...

Good luck with the program. I'm keen on losing at least 10kg too - taking it nice and slow. Might have to check out the Michelle Bridges stuff.

Suz said...

good on you for giving it a crack. Let's encourage each other xx

Life In A Pink Fibro said...

Here I am, cheering! Good luck!

Jay said...

Good luck! You have some awesome supporters in your corner :)

Kate @ Our Little Sins said...

I'm a good cheerer onerer, much better than I am at losing weight... Will be following and cheering, xx

Oh, and Jodie from Muddled Up Mumma is also doing it..