I love my hair. I find it is my one redeeming feature. Even when I feel 'blah' about my weight, like I do the moment, I have good hair. I am fortunate to have never really had a bad haircut either - well at the time, I thought the bleached blonde spiral perm I sported in 1993 rocked!
I always find a visit to the hairdresser solves my problems. If I get in a funk, I find a change of colour or a new style goes a long way to making me feel better. If I am ever at a cross roads with a big decision to make, I visit my hairdresser and the decision seems easier. If I am upset, a haircut makes the sun shine again. I don't know if it is the massage and attention to my head, the 'me' time,or the changed look that does the trick, but it always seems to work.
I was a blonde until puberty, then became a murky baby poo dark blonde. I spent ages and a fortune trying to relive that colour, but have now resigned myself to dark brown and spend $11 once every six weeks with a 'do-it-yourself' dye. My hair has never been healthier!
I used to attend a fancy pants, super expensive salon, where I would spend the GDP of a small country to get a half head of foils done, but am very fortunate that the chick I saw there - super cool and very talented - has moved up the road into the back of a tattoo parlor and I gladly followed. Same service, one third of the price!!!
I rarely have an actual hair cut - when I was trying to be blonde, it was probably cut every 18 months, just getting different amounts of foils at each visit. Then I had Master Z and I didn't even visit the hairdresser for 18 months! It was down to my bottom, dreadlocky and not healthy. I made the leap and got it cut in line with my scapulas 8 weeks ago. Tomorrow I am having it cut again and may go shorter - maybe to sit on my clavicles. Never too short, my face is too round for that - the pixie look doesn't work on me. I have a wedding to go to, so even if it doesn't get cut, it is so nice to get a professional to style it instead of the hour and a half it takes me to blow dry it.
I love my hairdresser and I am so grateful she is amazing at what she does, she has great conversation and we share a birthday (albeit I am 10 years older!), so that must mean something!
Have you got a good relationship with your hairdresser? Have you ever had a dud haircut?
Today I am linking up with Maxabella's Grateful for... linky, being hosted by Kimmie at 'a day in the life of us' - Hello Kimmie! -waving .
Chantel x