We had a wonderful week, we stayed in a small chalet down south, among the forests, beautiful green rolling hills and wineries. We were able to relax, unplug - forced I might add, as there was no mobile reception and only one channel on the TV. It was a great opportunity to enjoy each others company and reconnect after a long 5 months where TBone has been working stupid hours 6 days a week and going to bed at 8.30pm each night as he had to leave at 4.30pm the next morning.
But, poor Master Z was the sickest he has ever been. He was full of cold, conjunctivitis in both eyes, croup at night, had a mouth abcess, was teething his 2 year old molars and had an ear infection. He was so unwell, but was such an amazing little trouper and just slept most of the week without too much complaining. He would get up for a bottle of milk -wouldn't eat anything else due to a sore throat and mouth - and then take himself back to his cot. This meant we weren't able to leave the chalet much, so the planned wine tours and nature walks went out the window. Holidays with little ones are definitely a different kettle of fish to what we are used to!
But, I wouldn't change it for the world - except his sickness of course. It forced us to have down time, to relax (when I wasn't worried about him), we talked, laughed, had long Master Z cuddles, made plans and spoke of our dreams, drank lots of wine and caught up on many dvd movies that we haven't been able to see for the last two years.
It was a great recalibration and now that Master Z is on the way to recovery, I can appreciate it as being exactly what the Dr ordered for us.
Have you had a holiday that was not quite what you planned, but in hindsight was wonderful all the same?
Chantel x