Monday, 12 December 2011

Christmas Tree of Memories

This last week, I have been in a real 'funk'. Not impressed with life at all, and I think at the heart of it, was my angst over not having our Christmas tree up yet (I know, first world problems!) We had chosen our tree last weekend, but as we didn't have a towbar, or access to a ute, we were unable to get the tree to our house - and I didn't really want to part with the $75 it would have cost to have it delivered (only $5 less than the tree........)

Thankfully, this was all rectified on Friday and our tree was delivered and positioned in its rightful place in our living room.

As I have mentioned many times, I am not an organised person. Nothing I do would be classed as 'put together'. I dream of having a house with decor that matches, but this is unlikely to happen. Our Christmas tree decorations reflect this. But when I was putting them up today and telling Master Z about what I was doing, I realised that they are a reflection of our lives so far.

Each of the decorations is embedded with a memory-

Our first trip to Prague:

Apologies for overuse of filters - could not get the light right on any of these photos

From my sister-in-law when we went to Edinburgh with her and my brother:

A present from Disneyland from a special friend:

My favourite Van Gogh painting:

From a cute little shop down a cobbled street in London:

From our Bratislava trip with 3 wonderful friends:

From Lhasa, in Tibet - our 3 week trek to Everest Base Camp, where TBone proposed:

To celebrate Master Z's first Christmas:

A representation of our little family from a dear friend:

The one time I asked TBone to choose something and this is what he came back with - it looks nicotine stained and pretty creepy - I try to put it at the back of the tree.....

And they all go together to form this higgledy, piggledy tree, that we love. They don't need to match, they don't need to follow a theme. They represent our life so far and tell a story of our journey to where we are now.

What does your tree look like? Do you go for a colour theme? 

Just found this to link up to - check out other trees.

Chantel x