I have been feeling rough since we got back from our week away. I must have caught Master Z's lurgie and have had an annoying tickling cough and no voice for the last 2 weeks. TBone and Master Z are thrilled that I haven't been able to nag or complain, I have not been impressed that I can't tell them all the really interesting things and words of wisdom I have to impart.
I have had to have time off work as well, which is not something I would normally do. I had last Thursday off, then went to work on Monday and went home after an hour. I then went to the Doctor on Tuesday, who diagnosed viral laryngitis and advised I just needed to stop talking! She may as well have told me to eat a bowl of coriander! I was not impressed. But, she did give me a certificate for Wednesday and Thursday so that I didn't keep going in to work and when coughing up my lungs spread it around our office and my mum has still had Master Z both days. This has meant I have been able to catch up on sleep, read, write, catch up on some more sleep - all without cleaning, cooking, uni deadlines or work to worry about.
Despite feeling like death warmed up, it has been wonderful and has been a great re-charge. Particularly as this weekend is the start of December madness. Christmas tree chopping down and first work Christmas party on Saturday, with the Christmas pageant on Sunday!
I love December!
This week, I am thankful for sick days, and for knowing my sickness is very short term and self-limiting. I am also thankful for my mum being able to look after Master Z when I need, and for the month of December and all the fun and excitement that it brings.
Linking up with Kate today at Kate says stuff for Thankful Thursday
Chantel x