My Granddad was renowned for being an 'easy' crier. He was a wonderful loving man, who wasn't afraid of showing his emotions. He passed the gene to my mum, and until I met my husband I thought I had escaped the eye floods.
When I met TBone, it was as though a switch was flicked and the flood gates opened. I will never know what it was, if it was just pure coincidence or if it was an age and maturity related thing, or if it was having something in my life that I valued so much that the thought of losing it allowed me to feel real emotion and not be ashamed.
Nowadays, I am a sap. I. Cry. At. Everything.
I cry when I read books - Marley and Me was tears from the beginning to the end, happy tears and sad tears. I cry when I read blogs, the emotionally painful ones and the uplifting posts. I cry in movies and I cry at some TV ads. I cried watching 'Beaconsfield' the other night when the boys were singing The Gambler and the rescuers heard them, I cried in 'Touch' when Keifer heard the voice message and I cried during The Biggest Loser when Graham said to The Commando that his abseil experience was all the better for having him by his side. (I would like The Commando by my side but for so many different reasons!) (Reading that paragraph back, that may also say something about my terrible tv addiction and taste!)
This time of the year, is full of crying times. I cry at the RSL ads, the playing of The Last Post and seeing the ANZAC day parade. I cry when I see someone I love hurting, I cry when Master Z is not feeling well and I cry when I see pure joy in someone's eyes.
I have learned not to be ashamed of my wet eyes. I now cry without shame, I am that embarrassing person in the movie theatre whose body is shaking with tears. I saw 'Desert Flower' at the outdoor cinema and wailed from start to finish. Goodness knows what people thought around me. But I wasn't embarrassed, I don't make excuses for it any more, I accept it as an emotional release that I obviously need.
Linking up today with Jess from Diary of a SAHM as it is Tuesday!!! Head on over and view all its awesomeness!
Are you a public crier? Or do you try to keep the tears in?
Chantel x