Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Haircut Take 3

Master Z has been needing a haircut for a few weeks, but I have been putting it off. This is only his 3rd haircut, the first was a disaster at my hands and the 2nd one he cried the whole time, trying to escape the chair and not much was able to be taken off.

Today, I decided to make a morning of it for him. We have been talking about having a haircut for the last few days and he knew he was going to have a haircut and the lady would play with his hair and go "snip, snip, snip".

The before shot

We went to a cafe near to the hair dressers and he had a milkshake 


and I had Spanish beans with an egg - Yum! - and of course, a loooonnnng black coffe as I was trying to avoid thinking about the disaster of our last effort. I was armed with a bag of toys, books and Tiny Teddies to try to bribe the tears away.

We headed over to Banana Skin's in Applecross,

where he was the perfect angel! I could not believe it. 

No tears, no tantrums, sitting still and quietly. All my fears of a repeat performance were put to rest.

It may have to do with The Wiggles being on the TV, I prefer to think of it as my baby is growing up!

Finished product (with the finishing bribe - hey, good enough for doctors, good enough for hairdressers!)

People might say it was a waste of money for me to take him to a place like this, but if you read this, you will see that it will work out heaps cheaper than having to pay for therapy bills later in life!

How do you go with haircuts? Easy street? or Disaster Zone?

Chantel x

Linking up today with Jess and all that is fabulous for IBOT