I was waiting for my blog makeover before I ramp up any content on here, but it seems to be taking foreeevvveer, so thought in the meantime, I would amuse myself with a good old fashioned cook off.
The people at Gourmet Garden are running a bloggers comp of cooking over the next week and I thought I would have a crack.
Have a blog - check!
Love to cook - check!
Great food styling to look pretty on the plate - not so much.......I will try though!
Over the next 7 days, I will be posting some of my favourite recipes using the fantastic products that Gourmet Garden have sent me to try. Some of the recipes I will do in the thermomix, but I will try to translate the recipes back as well.
TBone is very excited at the menu he gets for the week, and so far, I have had a great time cooking them - the food photography leaves a lot to be desired though.
Hope everyone has had a lovely weekend
Chantel x