I was going to do a post with some facts about me, but as I was writing them, I found that they are all slightly weird, left of centre neuroses. I don't know how these started, but here are some random things that have become habit
1. My alarm is always set for :06 or :31 past the hour. Never any other
number. I don't know why, it just is. (OK, it's because they were Drew Banfield, my favourite West Coast Eagle's numbers when I was a teenager.....)
2. I avoid parking to my right if at all possible - this has seen me circling car parks on many occasions.
3. I avoid the number 13 where possible - even though I quite happily live at number 13 and TBone, my Dad and my brother's lucky numbers have always been 13 and it's usually their jersey number. I definitely won't fly on the 13th.
4. If I am reading a book at night, I can't go to sleep finishing at the end of Chapter 12. I always have to read up to the beginning of Chapter 15.
5. I won't wear odd socks, or let TBone wear them.
6. If I see a number plate with CGH or CGP in order, (my initials before and after marriage) I feel butterflies in my stomach and know its going to be a good day.
7. I won't wear, or have any peacock feathers around me.
8. I don't like spikey things. There are no things in our house with a spikey or pointy end as I worry about them jumping somehow into my eye. I don't use umbrellas and don't like being near someone with an umbrella.
9. I tend to have a right sided neglect. I will bang my right shoulder on door frames fifty bazillion times a day and not recognize to correct it. Probably why my right shoulder can dislocate on command........
These are all unfounded, often olde worlde superstitions that I have gathered along the way and for some reason, they have become a habit to me. Fortunately, I can alter if I need to without anxiety (I know some people aren't that fortunate) but they are such a part of me and how I do things.
Do you have any idiosincracies? Please let me know so I don't feel like the only odd one