Sunday, 31 July 2011

Oh dear

I think I am getting cold feet. I don't know if I can make the commitment. This feeling always happens to me when I try something new that I want to do well. This is why I so often have grand ideas and then don't follow through. I don't like to do things that I am not good at, so invariably  there are situations I don't put myself in - to avoid failure.

It is for this reason that I need to just bite the bullet and do this. I need to go ahead with starting a blog. It will help to give me structure in my week and give me something to focus on for me - outside of my family, my work and uni. 

I think one of my biggest problems - and the reason I get anxious - is I have a terrible habit of wanting everything now. I want what I write to be the best it can, I want it to look the best it can, I want the topics I talk about to be the most interesting and attract readers. I then panic that things wont meet my expectations, so I give up.

Then I saw that Maxabella and Sarah have looked in on me - two of the most wonderful bloggers I have been following. That really freaked me out. It means that the words I write may actually get read. I then panicked that I wouldn't be interesting enough.

Maybe I am looking at it all wrong. I need to realise that things like this take practice. They take skill and time. I had big plans with the post I wrote to put up tomorrow - as all new things should start on Monday - but I think I need to refocus.  I need to start small and basic and most importantly, honestly. I need to not worry about what people think of me, I need to write the truth and not create "an ideal me" and just learn the skill of writing for an audience. 

So I have scrapped the post I was going to do for tomorrow, that can be used at a later time. I am instead going to go off now, write something new and start with the basics. I will start with an introduction about me, why I am doing this and what I hope to achieve. It isn't going to be 'edge of your seat' reading, but it will be a good place for me to start this journey.

Chantel x