I am a slave to Princess K, but wouldn't change it for anything. She is our beautiful 3 year old Bernese Mountain Dog, who has brought so much to our lives.
We got her just after we moved into our first home. We wanted to practice our care skills on a puppy before we inflicted them on a child. She hasn't worked out too bad. Apart from the usual puppy mishaps, and few holes dug as a demand for a walk, she is well behaved and follows commands if she wants to.
Her nature and temperament is wonderful. She is a gentle giant - except for a tail that wags with enthusiasm with the power of a propeller. She has knocked Master Z over with it on several occasions and then shown a look of horror when she registers what she has done (well, what I perceive to be her look of horror.....)
She is excitable and playful. She does the typical Berner thing of trying to get as close to you as possible, looking for pats. She will place her enormous paw on your feet and lean into you to let you know she loves you. She can be needy, but likes nothing more than to just know we are close. As long as we are in sight, she is happy.
She has a huge bark that fends off strangers - but in reality if anyone approached her, she would probably pee herself and run to the corner of the yard - hopefully no-one is ever willing to test that theory. I am pretty sure she would put herself in front of us if there was ever any trouble and she can look pretty menacing to those who don't know her.
When I had a miscarriage prior to Master Z, she knew we were sad, she was quiet and calm, not her usual boisterous self. She sat in the lounge next to me with her head on my lap as we cried over one of the most painful things we have had to deal with. She somehow knew and was there for us in the only way she knew how.
She is fantastic with children and likes nothing more than hugs and pats. She knows she is pretty and expects passers by to stop and comment and fawn over her. She looks put out if she gets ignored.
Not just a pretty face, but a beautiful nature also. We are so fortunate to have her in our lives. Today I am linking up with Maxabella for her Saturday Grateful for.......
Head over there to check out what others are grateful for on this beautiful day.
Chantel x