Friday, 19 August 2011

Things I Know...My week

I thought I would link up with Yay for Home's "Thing I Know" this week as I haven't really been near the computer much and want to try to be more consistent and I think if I set my self a task for each day of the week, I am more likely to do this.


I know Man Flu is life threatening and causes the male sufferer to lose powers of mobility, speech and reason - and it has similar symptoms in the male under 2. When transmitted to the female however, the symptoms are very subdued and they allow the female sufferer to continue on with life and responsibilities as normal!

I know that joking aside, TBone is obviously working long, hard days for us at the moment and must have been pretty run down to have caught said man flu and I am grateful he was able to have 4 days off to rest up and be refreshed for the coming months which are going to be very busy for him at work.

I know that I enjoy going to work, but not really for the work I do, more for the people I work with that make me laugh each day and allow me to distract them from doing the serious stuff.

I know that I have missed Mum and Dad while they have been off galavanting around Europe for the last six weeks and I can't wait to see them Tuesday.

I know how much of a help they are to me by having Master Z two days a week to allow me to go to work - I appreciate them.

I know I am really looking forward to this weekend, celebrating my birthday with my boys and going to the zoo on Sunday - Master Z is at a really good age to enjoy it and I can't wait to see his face.

I know The Sassy Cookie in Vic Park does the best gluten free cupcakes ever - and I may or may not be addicted - 3 trips in 3 days isn't bad surely???? (not all for me.....)

What do you know? Head to see Shae at Yay for Home!  to check it out.

Have a great weekend
Chantel x