I am having a long distance relationship, yet TBone is here next to me. My relationship across the ocean is with my best friend and I hate that we are so far apart.
I never really had a best friend growing up. I have always been part of a group of 'good friends', but never had a 'BFF', someone that I had a total connection with, that I shared all my secrets and dreams with.
That was until I met Miss J when we lived in the UK. Our friendship was immediate, she was my boss in an OT department. TBone and I were invited to attend her wedding just 2 weeks after meeting her and having not even met her husband to be. Our friendship strengthened over the next 5 years, our partners became good mates, we traveled together, we worked with each other each day. They became our family, our support base and we were welcomed into Miss J's family at Christmas when I was missing home terribly. We returned to settle down in Perth and we are now separated by thousands of miles and a 21 hour plane flight.
We email regularly, but not often enough. I hate using the phone and for some reason we haven't really got into Skype. The one time we did try to Skype, I became so overwhelmed to see her there, I wasn't able to speak, I just giggled.
I miss our chats, I miss her sensible, compassionate advice. I miss her enjoyment of the quirky things I love, like all things Disney and Percy Pigs. I miss her acceptance of my flaws and her gentle reminders to pull my head in.
I hate that we are so far away, that she has yet to meet Master Z and I haven't got to see her gorgeous Master H grow up. I hate that I haven't been there to give her a hug when she has gone through dark times or been there to laugh through the great times.
I really hope that in the near future we will catch up face to face - children and life are now making our travel plans less frequent, but I know we will pick up right where we left off and I can't wait.
In the meantime, I need to put my fear of Skype aside. We are so fortunate we have the technology to do so and I need to reconnect properly with my best friend.
Are you in a long distance relationship? What do you do to stay in touch?
Chantel x