Sunday, 4 September 2011

Sunday Session

Linking in again with Thea at Do I really wanna Blog? for the Sunday Session.

This week has been super busy and as always, the music running through my head has been varied. 

For some inane reason, The Gambler has been at the forefront. I am not really a Kenny Roger's fan, I don't really even know the song, I have just had a few lines stuck in my head. I think I probably learnt it by osmosis from my parents record collection. So you have to suffer too!

The other song that has invaded my headspace has been Adele's Rolling in the Deep. It is everywhere at the moment due to its use in the latest series of Channel 9's Underbelly: Razor. I love Adele and I love this song. I was at a Hen's Party yesterday and this was played pretty much every 30 minutes in the bus. Love it!

Now for a quick retro, one of my favorite Creedence Songs, "Down on the Corner".

Have a great week everyone

Chantel x