From what I have observed so far, it definitely seems that the blogging community can be likened to a village or school environment. There are the 'cool kids' that everyone wants to be. These cool kids are popular outside of the village as well. They have opportunities to promote themselves in the media and instead of any jealousy like that is seen in the school yard, there seems to be a respect that they are paving the way for the rest of us and are promoting blogging as an important social media tool. I think too, some of these bloggers are in this position as they are just so damn funny, witty and have a certain spark that everyone wants to be around.
There are the 'beautiful people' - the ones whose blogs are just stunning. There design is gorgeous, the photos are well composed and the pages are just awesome to look at. I scroll through the photos, dreaming wistfully of rooms in my house looking as bright and breezy and put together as the photos, then reality comes running into the room with vegemite on his face
There are the quiet achievers. These are the ones who consistently publish amazing, insightful posts, but do it without too much fanfare or self promotion. Their posts are very well written and you know there is a novel waiting in the wings for all of them. I have found they are also often the most supportive and encouraging on other people's blogs. They are more than happy to share their knowledge and skills with others.
Then there are the class clowns - or court jester, depending which poorly contrived analogy of mine you are following. These bloggers post in a hilarious way about sometimes the most mundane of things and they have you laughing at every post. I love to go to these pages for that 2pm pick me up when I need a good laugh to get me through the rest of the day - but it is OK, if you are the court jester, you can sometimes have a serious post, it shows you are a balanced 'normal' person :o)
Then finally (but of course not limited too, just for the sake of this post...) there are the blogging 'geeks'. The one's who are really, really good at what they do. They get computers, they actually know about programming and not just where to turn your laptop on. They understand terms such as SEO and RSS feeds and their posts are often a great resource for the rest of us that are bumbling our way around our computer. They are PR and marketing savvy and are often able to actually carve out a living from this blogging caper. Imagine that! Many are not just about the technical side either. There are some wonderful bloggers that can do all of the above and also write creatively about their lives.
Of course, like any village, not everyone is a nice, supportive person and some blogs I have stumbled across can be negative, moaning and just plain mean. You have the Esme Watson* gossips, Brooke and Taylor** bitchy cat fights and the Issy from Neighbours conniving. The beauty of the internet is that you can choose what you can click on and off and its very easy to not visit those sites.
So even though there is such a variety of blogs out there, the blogosphere can be likened to a village. So many different personalities make up a village. There are similarities, similar passions, styles and ideals. It is also an eclectic bunch with as many differences. The one thing than shine's through though, is the sense of community and the support.
How do you find the village? Do you feel supported?
Chantel x
*Showing my age - A Country Practice gossip - think Colleen from Home and Away
**Surely you know who these two are!!!!
***Sorry for the blatant generalisation and labelling, made it easier to write.
Linking up today with I blog on Tuesdays with Jess at Diary of a SAHM