Saturday, 24 September 2011

Sunday Session - I'm Blue

Linking in with Thea at Do I really wanna blog? for the Sunday Session. This week Thea's songs have a very pink theme to them - her whole blog has been feeling very pink this week. I thought I would follow her lead and use the colour blue to help with my song selection. Blue is my favourite colour, there is not a shade or tone that doesn't make me feel good inside. This was really hard to narrow down, so I went a bit eclectic with my choices.

First up a song that was never really a favourite, but it was a definite ear worm at the time. It was one of those songs that was played in pubs and clubs for months and months on high rotation. Eiffel 65 - Blue (Da Ba Dee).

Next is a song that brings back memories of our first year living in Leeds in the UK, from the band Blue. They were one of the many boy bands around at the time trying to compete with the success of Take That. They reappeared this year as England's entrant into Eurovision. I am a closet pop lover much to my husband's horror and we really could not escape this song - it stayed in the UK charts for 63 weeks - All Rise.

Trying to regain some sort of credibility after those two, my favourite blue song EVER. New Order - Blue Monday. 

I have had to do a fourth song to try to raise the mood after that song, so I have included another song that reminds me of our time in the UK when we were heavily into the White Stripes and anything that Jack White was touching. Blue Orchid from their 2005 album Get Behind Me Satan.

Head on over to Thea's page for some more awesome Sunday Music.
Have a great week.

Chantel x