Friday, 7 October 2011

Say Goodbye to Fatty Boombah - The one where I talk food

Well, 1st weigh in done and we are now almost at the end of week 2 of Michelle Bridge's 12 Week Body Transformation programme. We weigh in on Wednesdays, and I have lost 2.1 kilos in the first week (and 2 days, but that doesn't sound as good!). Happy with that, as I wanted to lose at least a kilo a week and know that in the first week you will also lose a bit of water, so on track.

It has amazed me how effortless this has been. I am eating a lot of great food, am never hungry or craving anything and it has been so easy to exercise. It is amazing what a mindset change does and how easy it is to break entrenched habits if you persist and swap them with new, healthy habits.

The food has been great, TBone has eaten the dinners as well and has enjoyed them. We have had lasagne, fish, steak, pizza to name a few. I even had a pork medallion, which I usually avoid as I find pork tastes 'dirty' - don't know why, just one of my 'things' - but I actually enjoyed it. All easy recipes, and good, natural food. I consider myself a bit of a foodie, I love to cook, eat at nice restaurants and I love to eat, so the food has to be flavoursome for me to enjoy it and this has ticked all the boxes. Last night's Pad Thai was the only time TBone mentioned what we were eating tasted like 'healthy' food. 

Probably the only thing I am having an issue with is lunches. I have previously tended to avoid dairy, wheat and bread as the repercussions are not pleasant. My mum is a coeliac, but I am not, I just seem to have an intolerance so only ever have gluten free in the house. Probably 5 out of the 7 lunches each week on the meal plan suggest a sandwich, which I have been having. I am substituting all of the dairy suggestions in the meal plan, so I thought if I avoided them, I could at least give the wheat a try. The suggested sandwiches have been really tasty and I have enjoyed them - I LOVE fresh bread!!!! - but am suffering terribly after. I think I am going to have to concede defeat and wherever a sandwich is suggested, substitute it for a similar salad. I will try this, but stay with 'gluten-ful' other products and see if its just the bread that is the trigger.

Exercise has been great, and I am starting to get that buzz you get when you exercise regularly that makes you want to do more. I went back to Zumba last night..... Yep, confirmed its not for me. I think there is a distinct difference between not being able to do something well and not being able to do something at all. I must have missed that dancing gene unfortunately. Luckily, I love Pump, Step and Combat classes and am really enjoying Michelle's Crunchtime DVDs. In fact that is what I had best do now whilst Master Z is snoozing - if anyone popped their head into our living room, they would have the shock of their lives!!!!!

Until next week, 

Chantel x