Friday, 14 October 2011

Say Goodbye to Fatty Boombah - The one where I try to kid myself

Its Friday, so its 12 Week Body Transformation post time. Week 3 weigh in.

This weeks weigh in was hard for me. I  had an increase in weight and instead of looking at what I needed to do to improve for next week, I tried to kid myself, registered a lower weight in my stats and then pretended it didn't happen.

I thought that if I just put the weight in as a lower number, next week I would do better and it would all even out. What lies I tell myself! This is probably one of my biggest problems - if I tell my inner self something enough times, then it must be true. Who am I kidding? Only myself! Who am I letting down? Only myself!

Then I read this post from the wonderful Sarah and I saw the contrast in attitudes to dealing with disappointment. I buried my head in the sand, she resolved to make a difference. It was reassuring to know that others were experiencing the same situation as me. 

With that in mind, I resolved to get over myself and exercised my butt off on Wednesday night. Instead of throwing in the towel like I would usually do and console my self with food - emotional eating much??? - I am going to continue to exercise hard and eat well. 

I have stuck to the programme to the letter, so it was really disheartening to see an increase. It was an increase of less than a kilo, but it wasn't a loss. I realise there are many reasons that you don't lose as much weight one week compared to the next, and I am really hoping that I see some results next week. I would even be happy if there was a cm loss at our measurement next week, or an improvement in the fitness test. That will at least reassure me that I am heading in the right direction and all this is not a futile exercise.

Onwards and Upwards - or scales downwards at least

Chantel x