Sunday, 16 October 2011

Sunday Session - The Sun is Shining!

Yay! It's Sunday! Which means its time to link up with Thea at "Do I really wanna blog?" for her Sunday Session. Head on over to her page to see what others are playing.

It has got up to 36 degrees today here in Perth, so Spring is definitely on us. It has been a stinker of a day, but brings with it the excitement of a long summer. As I looked at songs along the theme of the moon a few weeks ago, I thought today would be a fitting day to choose some songs with a 'sun' theme. Didn't realise there would be so many, but here is a few of my favourites.

My first crush - Morten Harket from A-Ha. I was definitely going to marry him and loved everything about them and their music. Here is "The Sun Always Shines on TV" Sorry about the clip, I couldn't find one that would let me embed.

"Island in the Sun" from Weezer. A really happy, boppy, sunny song. Always puts a smile on my face.

The classic sun song - "Here comes the Sun" from the best band to ever walk the planet, The  Beatles. Sorry about the clip, best I could find.

Soundgarden - "Black Hole Sun" - so pumped they have reformed and will be doing the festival circuit this year.

Another band I had enormous exposure to when living in the UK, The Libertines - "Don't Look Back in to the Sun". One of TBone's favourite bands, so I have grown to love their work by osmosis. I don't like Pete Doherty or Baby Shambles at all, but I love Carl and his side project Dirty Pretty Things - they have disbanded, but check them out if you can.

Enjoy and have a great week. 

Chantel x