I was initially worried when all the other babies at Mother's group found 'No' very early just like they say in all the developmental texts and they used it to it's full effect with the head shake - Master Z didn't seem to know it, or even need it, quite happy to go along with whatever was happening or suggested at the time. All his other speech has developed normally, "No" has just been lacking from his vocabulary.
Then this week, 'No' has arrived in our house with a vengeance. With that full head shake and defiant tone. "Z, do you want some yoghurt?" "No!" "Z, can I please change your nappy?" "No!" And it's only just this week that I have realised that we haven't met "Yes" in the last 22 months either. And it has yet to appear. When a question is asked, we get the defiant "No", or a smile and babble that I am presuming is "Yes".
I had thought I would rue the day that "No" came into the house, but having it here and seeing his personality bloom so much in the past week with the empowerment that it has brought him, it has made me realise that it is essential for him to show us who he is, what he wants and how he wants to go through life. Some things I won't agree with and the Mummy card will be played (the one that trumps all) and I know that the word will become tedious many, many times, - and those of you with two or three teenagers will be laughing at my naivety - but it is nice to know that we can now get a glimpse further into the little person that is developing before our eyes.
Has there been a particular word / words your child has learnt that you think helps to let their personality shine?
Chantel x