Friday, 21 October 2011

Say Goodbye to Fatty Boombah - Finding My Rhythm

This week, the 4th week on the 12 Week Body Transformation, was going wonderfully. I was finding my rhythm, getting into a habit of good eating, exercising every day, then Monday, I woke up with the stomach from hell. Master Z's bug of the week last week was a stomach bug (this week it is conjunctivitis!!!!!) and I copped it. It meant no exercising for Monday and Tuesday, but probably actually went a long way to helping clear out my body! I am still a bit ginger and it hurts to exercise, but thankfully it didn't hang around for as long as Master Z or my dad had it.

So, on the scales, I lost what I put on last week, plus another kilo, so I am stoked. The most exciting thing for me though, is that I have lost 35cm all over, which makes me very happy - and means that my pre-baby clothes are just that bit closer.

Tonight I am completing my fitness test, so I am hoping that 4 weeks of exercising will have done something towards improving my dismal 1km run time. Tomorrow is going to be a big day though, as Michelle has asked us to complete a mini-milestone as we are 1/3 of the way through. My plan is to do a 5km run, 15 km bike ride and 2000 m row (in the gym of course). Really looking forward to see how I go with it. I am sure there will be a few walks and slow breathers in there, but I am aiming to go the distance.

Hope everyone has a lovely weekend

Chantel x