Saturday, 14 January 2012

Grateful for.......Family

TBone got asked this week if he would consider going for a long term stint to Port Hedland or Roxby Downs. My initial reaction was "hell yes, book the removal van" as I think it would be such a great opportunity for him work wise, it would mean I could fulfill my dream of being a Stay at Home Mum, and if we are going to do this, we have to do it now, as I would want to be back in Perth and settled by the time Master Z turns 7.

Then I thought more about what it would mean for us - I wont have problems with the remoteness or the heat, as we have lived in Kalgoorlie before, we wont have problems with the crime or social problems around us, as we lived in Leeds for 7 years, but the one thing that would be difficult would be removing Master Z from the relationship that he has with his grandparents, my Mum and Dad.

Master Z goes there 2 days a week while I work and loves every minute. They have built the Taj Mahal of sand pits in their back yard, there is a park directly across the road and with Mum being an ex-kindy teacher, she has so many cool activities for him to do. They take him shopping, on excursions to the zoo, on picnics and adventures to visit 'Nan-Nan' (my grandmother). He loves them to pieces and his eyes light up when he knows we are heading to Nanna and Granga's place. 

I rely on them so much as well and we are really fortunate they live only a 5 minute drive away. I would see them 5 days out of 7 and they are such a large part of our lives. If we do get the opportunity to go away, it won't just be the easy move like when we moved to the UK or Kalgoorlie. We are going to have to deal with Master Z's feelings and that of my parents.

Fortunately, even though my Mum has joked that she is horrified at the prospect, she also knows how awesome the opportunity would be, knows it is only a very short term thing and that now is the right time to do it. Explaining to Master Z is going to be a more difficult prospect though and it breaks my heart even thinking about having to tell him we wont see them for months on end. Luckily, we live in a world of Skype now, so if it happened we would be able to keep in regular contact so he can get his fix.

So today, I am so grateful for my parents, their support and their relationship with Master Z.

Chantel x
Linking up with Maxabella @ Kidspot for 52 weeks of Grateful