You are probably are wondering "why is this chick with only a handful of readers - (I am so grateful to every single person who stops by) even contemplating a change when she has only had a blog for a few months?"
Well, its because I have been extremely lucky and won an AMAZING opportunity from the equally AMAZING Glowless in her 30th Birthday Glowing Giveaway. If you don't know of Glow's work, check her out, she is awesome and a Perthie like me! (Although, she is what we call a 'perthonality' over this way :o)) What a fantastic start to my 2012 hey!
I won the best prize of the lot, (well, I think so anyway), an opportunity to utilise the PR knowledge of the amazing SawHole who, among other pretty cool things, blogs at Madam Bipolar and occasionally writes at Woogsworld when Mrs Woog is busy watching Housewives of Buttfucksville County. I am so excited about the prospect, and really don't want to waste the opportunity, so wanted to make sure I am going to her with a solid idea of the path I want to take and a product that will keep my attention for longer than 2 minutes.
I think I have a fair idea of what I want the feel of my little corner of the world to be like, it will involve a name change, a bit of a content change and hopefully the inspiration for more than one post a week! I just have to finalise what I want it to look like and seek out the help of someone creative to bring it to life.
Stay tuned in the coming weeks for a makeover!
Chantel x