Last week, at Home Life Simplified, Deb asked us to link up a post about our core values. In true form, I have left it to the last minute - there are still 2 hours left in my Sunday, but the linky has just finished on Deb's page, - I thought I would write this anyway.
Like so many others, I have had a very tough time trying to narrow down my values to 5 most important. I have also had a week when the idea of 'values' both personal and organisational has popped up so many times during everyday conversation - I am not one who believes in coincidences - spooky!!! One of the main discussions I had was with one of my best friends and she was talking about how she felt she had been drifting apart from another friend, one who had been a friend from childhood. When we talked it through, it came down to those two people having very different core values now. The differing paths that their lives had taken them meant that the values most important to them now differed.
I had always believed that values were something that were inherent and did not change, but after my discussion with my good friend, it got me thinking that they do change and evolve as we grow. I think I have narrowed my core values down to 5, so here goes:
First and foremost, this will always be on top of any list. I have a large extended family, and togetherness, support and love within the family has always been important. Our sense of belonging and unity has been instilled in us since we were children and we are very close. Since getting married and having Master Z, the idea of family and the strength and love I gain from it has intensified and my little family is the most important thing in my life. I need them to exist and they need me.
I am a person who always asks 'why?'. I don't know how I existed before Google and Wikipedia, before the answer to every question was at my finger tips. I believe that learning is a life long process and I am not happy if my nose isn't buried in a book, seeking out new information. I also, however, know that growth and learning doesn't just come from books, that they come from experience and I try to say 'Yes' as often as possible to allow myself to have as many new experiences as possible. I am a full time Mum, I work part time as an Occupational Therapist and I am studying part time for a Masters degree in a totally unrelated field. When I finish my Masters (2 more units!!!!!!) it is quite likely I will do another 6 units so that I complete a double Masters - all in a quest for more letters behind my name! Not really, I am having a ball and I get so much out of the extra studying I do - it gives me a buzz!
This is very important to me, and probably not one that I would have said would have been in my top 5 a few years ago. I want to know that my family is safe. Safe from harm, safe from illness, safe from unnecessary heartache. I suffered from panic attacks for the 7 years we lived in the UK and since our return to Perth, I have had none. Here, I feel secure, I am surrounded by people who love me and I fell protected.
Being grateful for all that I have in my life is so important to me. My first thought each morning before I get out of bed is to be grateful for the day ahead and my last thought at night is being grateful for all the day has brought me. I live such a blessed life, I know I do and I am so grateful for my family, my friends and the amazing life that we live.
Reading that back, it sounds conceited, and I am not saying that everything is rosy, but I do know that I am blessed in so many ways and I am grateful for these things and know that the challenges I face in my life will be great learning opportunities and are 'character building '(I used to hate that phrase when my mum dished it out whenever I was faced with a challenge - but now realise it is so true!).
Working for so many years in hospitals, I know how important health is. Without our health, we can't fulfill our dreams and goals. This is something I am trying to place more emphasis on in my life with more exercise and healthy eating. I am so grateful that my family is healthy and we live in a country where we are able to access clean water, an abundance of fresh produce and nutritious food. I need to look after myself more and give myself the best chance to be healthy.
I am happy with that list and this exercise has given me time to think about where my focus needs to be - I had an idea, but this has clarified that I am heading in the right direction.
If you want to see what others have identified as their core values, head on over to Deb's page at Home Life Simplified.
Chantel x