This is a post that does talk about poo and wee - sorry. If you are easily grossed out, don't read on, but hey, I am an OT and a mother, nothing relating to poo and wee phases me anymore!
I thought I would share one of my most embarrassing moments. There have been so many, I am the ultimate klutz, foot in mouth kinda girl, and I work in an environment where I come into contact with all forms of bodily fluids - but this one is one of those that brings a smile to my face - hindsight is a wonderful thing, I was devastated at the time.
In 2005, we were living in Leeds, in the UK and embarked a trip of a life time. We went to Nepal and then Tibet and spent 3 weeks trekking up to Everest Base Camp. It was the most amazing experience and TBone proposed when we got there, so it was a pretty amazing trip all round.
There were about 16 of us on the trip - at that time, pre-Beijing Olympics, westerners could not go into Tibet unless on a guided tour. TBone and I were the youngest by a decade or so, but still managed to have a great time with our fellow travelers. Travelling in that environment, you have to get over yourself and your modesty pretty quickly, with gastro going through the group at a rapid pace, altitude sickness causing all sorts of vomiting, chest problems and hallucinations and if you are lucky enough to find a toilet - they are best described as a hole in the ground.
Toilet at the Potala Palace - least this one didn't have crusty edges
Most of the time, we were in the middle of nowhere, and there wasn't much in the way of foliage, so if you needed to go to the toilet, you snuck off away from the group and tried to have as much privacy as possible. You are also encouraged to use as little non-biodegradable product when burying 'your business' to help the environment. We got very adept at 'shaking' dry - gross I know, but 'When in Rome'... A whole different post would go into other toileting issues in a country like that - Moon Cup anyone??!!
On our final day in Tibet, we were in the bus from Base Camp to the Tibetan/ Nepalese border. We pulled over on the side of the road for a toilet break and dispersed from the bus like ants in different directions to try to find a little bit of privacy. I thought that after 3 weeks of extreme toileting that I had it all sussed. I went down a path that was quite steep, very secluded and out of view from the bus. I figured that if I faced uphill, the wee will go downhill - makes sense right??!!
So, I went about my business, singing to myself, cleaning the dust from under my finger nails as my quad muscles were given another hammering trying to maintain a squat on a slope. Suddenly, from the bushes to the side of me, I heard this booming "MooOOOoooo". I jumped so high, and promptly fell backwards onto my bum and back, right into the puddle I had so cleverly created. I looked to my right and was met with the stares of an older man, young boy and a cow. I was probably one of only a few westerners they would see that year and they saw a lot of me as my legs and bottom waggled in the air while I tried to get myself upright and pull up my trousers. I don't know who was more startled, and I was very quick to sort my self out and slink off back to the bus.
Fortunately I was one of the last on the bus and we were sitting up the front, so I was able to move myself such that no-one else saw the very embarrassing wet patch all up my back and down the back of my trousers. TBone just rolled his eyes and shook his head when I told him - I think he was probably wondering what he had just committed the rest of his life to!
Ahh Tibet, how I love thee! Namsto Lake 2005
What is your most embarrassing moment? Please tell me I am not the only one????
I am linking up to day with the ultimate Glam Queen Jess, at Diary of a Stay at Home Mum for I Blog on Tuesdays. Head on over to check out other fab reads.
Chantel x