Sunday, 29 January 2012

Mission Statement

Linking up with Deb from Home life Simplified this week. Her challenge was to write a family mission statement. 

I wrote it out at length, but decided to shorten it to:

Wordle: CH1

I wanted something that encompasses our core values, but was succinct enough to put on our fridge to remind us of where we are heading. I am not very clever with the whole design thing, so for the time being will leave it like that, but will look for a way to make it a bit more "awesome" for when I print it out. These concepts will be the basis of how we parent our children and how we will strive to live our life.

Live -  living life to the fullest, making the most of any opportunities that are passed our way, trying to make sure we never have any regrets

Love - with our whole hearts, particularly our family and knowing that no matter what comes our way, love will be what keeps us together. I think it is important for our kids to grow up knowing that no matter what they do in life, no matter what path they take, no matter what mistakes they make, we will always love them unconditionally.

Laugh - seeking enjoyment, happiness, fun. Knowing that sometimes laughing can put our troubles into perspective and lighten our load. Laughing together creates bonds and can strengthen relationships.

Learn - one of my core values was learning and growth and I think this is one of the  most important things for a family to do together, to continue to develop and grow from new experiences, communication and good old fashioned reading.

Respect - respect for our family, respect for others around us, respect for rules and laws, respect for other's property and others beliefs, way of life and values. But also knowing that we deserve to be respected at all times by those in our life and if we aren't being treated with respect, then we need to look at ways to change this. 

Be Grateful - I have so much gratitude for the life we have and know that we need to be grateful for what we are given. This is something that I want to encourage in our kids from an early age. 

So, there it is. I think I am slightly off task with exactly what Deb wanted, but this is a way that I could get my head around it.

Head on over to Deb's page to see what others have done.

Chantel x