Monday, 2 April 2012


 My week has been a rollercoaster.
  • New nephew arrived last week, that new baby smell makes my ovaries burst.
  • News of friends' pregnancies makes me feel warm and fuzzy knowing that they are bringing another special version fo themsleves to the world
  • A tinge of personal saddness, wanting it to be me in that position. Must keep my Pollyanna plaits firmly in place.
  • Group of work colleagues have won a lotto 1st division - 10 of them sharing 1/19th of the jackpot - not "chuck in your job" life changing, but enough for them to have some breathing space and hopefully some fun - proof that real people can win lotto.
  • A good friend's brother passed away on the weekend in tragic circumstances. My heart aches for her and I want to be able to take away her pain.
All these things make me so grateful for my journey of life and I will be giving my boys extra big hugs tonight.

So many things running through my head at the moment. So many happy things and also so much saddness. So many blog posts to write, but I can't get the words to form onto a page. I need to sit back, take stock and work out what I want to say.

Chantel x