Friday, 23 March 2012

Keep on Running.....

The other night I thought I would do a quick fitness test on the treadmill before I started my workout - as you do. I am doing 5km on the tready each day I work out as part of the 700 - 1000 calories I try to burn each session - aiming for 5 days per week- and I usually run for 3 km of that. 

The fitness test seems to be based on heart rate - and what is your acceptable heart rate range to work in based on your age. So I did the test and my result was:

Yep, way to make me feel good about things!! I know my fitness is way below what it has been, but each time I go to the gym and use the tready, the x-trainer and the rowing machine, I feel stronger and more in control. I am going to aim for a 'Good' rating next time - I would even settle for a plain old 'Poor' without the adjectives - ha ha!!

I am getting a bit disheartened as my weight loss is negligible each week. I have about 25 kg to lose, so I should be losing at least a kg a week, but its only a few 100 gms here and there. I am being very committed with my exercising, but I haven't stuck that strictly to the 12 WBT nutrition plan. I think maybe I need to follow this more to the letter. I have also being allowing myself alcohol - nothing major, just the occasional glass of wine. I am going to abstain totally (O.M.G!!! - bring me the sniffing salts, don't know if I will cope!) for the next 6 weeks and see if that makes the scales go down a bit quicker.

I have had some centimetre loss, so that has been OK and I am feeling a lot of energy. I see a chiropractor once a month for an adjustment - something I started when I was pregnant with Master Z - and I credit the speed of my labour largely to regular adjustments and yoga, so I have kept it up. I went on Tuesday and Dr S checked me over and didn't go through her usual adjustments. She just asked - "what have you been doing differently since I last saw you, as everything is in almost perfect alignment?" The only difference I could think of is exercising 5 times a week and she agreed that must be it.

So, the weight isn't coming off how I want it, but it must be having a pretty positive effect on the rest of my body. My energy and concentration is up and I am feeling really good about things and keen everyday to get to the gym.

How has your exercise been this week? I am linking up with Kate at Kate Says Stuff for the 12 Week Blogger Transformation. Head there to read about other's journeys.

Chantel x