Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Callum or Darryl? Easy way or Hard way?

In January, we got a proposition. It was a bit left of centre, would take around a year to organise and would be life changing. I did my research and looked into what the proposition - let's call it Darryl- would mean for us. What changes would we have to make, how our day to day life would be affected. We investigated, we met Darryl and we started to get excited. 

Darryl was going to provide us with so many opportunities. He would set us up for the future, shape how we were going to live. He had a rough exterior, he was an eyesore to look at, and he didn't really have a fun side. People thought we were crazy to even consider Darryl, but we knew it would be short term and we would adapt. We would have to work hard with Darryl to make sure things didn't get too mundane or we regretted our decision. If you scraped at the surface however, Darryl had some hidden beauty. A little effort and there are so many breathtaking features about Darryl. We had planned our future with Darryl and I whiled away days picturing what our life would be like. 

Then today, there was a new proposition placed in front of us, we will call it Callum. Callum is similar in many ways to Darryl, and he will help us head on the path we want. He is still rough around the edges and very dusty, BUT, he is bigger than Darryl, he is more fashionable than Darryl, he is more cultured than Darryl and is much more athletic. I think he will be funnier than Darryl and he will be much more hospitable when our friends and family visit us. He is also more accessible than Darryl and it will be easier for us to leave him alone. 

I think what it comes down to is that Callum will be the easier path.

Darryl was such an exciting, adventurous proposition and then all of a sudden, we have Callum, an even brighter proposition in front of us. We are so blessed with choices really. Our decision should obviously be to go with Callum, but there is a small part of me that has spent the last 6 months convincing myself that Darryl will be the best thing for us, and we were so excited to meet him. In a very small way, if we choose Callum, it will feel like we are cheating on Darryl.
Have you ever made a big decision only to have a new, shiny option placed in front of you?