It has been sixth months since I last wrote to you, and you are now 2 and a half! Time has flown by so quickly and you are growing up so fast.
You continue to bring so much pleasure and happiness to the lives of everyone around you. Your Mummy and Daddy can't believe how blessed we are and your grand parents think the world of you.
In the last six months, you have gained a new baby cousin and have the excitement of another one on the way. That will be 4 cousins for you to grow up with. It is awesome you are all so close in age. Your Nanna and Grandad are well and truly run off their feet, and loving it!
You are still mad keen on the Wiggles and Bob the Builder - but Thomas the Tank is your first love. You can spot something Thomas related from a mile away and just seeing him on something brings the biggest smile to your face - just you wait to see what Father Christmas has in store - it will blow your mind :) You would watch Thomas 24/7 if we didn't limit your tv time, and you spend hours and hours playing with your trains.
You have been such an awesome 'pick-me-up' on the days Mummy has been feeling down. You can sense when Mummy is sad and you do anything to make me smile. I am sorry that I haven't been 100% there for you these last 6 months, but just seeing you and hugging you tight gives me hope that it will all work out in the end.
We saw Elmo's World Tour together - your first stage show. You were mesmerized from start to finish. We got you a small Elmo and you have slept with him and Ted Ted ever since.
You are starting to really enjoy your stories before bed - I can at least read them to you without you wanting to turn the pages to the end. Your favourite is Thomas and the Jet Engine (of course) and what you call the 'I love you' book -'Guess How Much I Love You' - that is Mummy's favourite too.
You love music, love singing and your voice is one of the cutest things I have heard. Your rendition of the 'Offspring' theme tune where you sing "Giraffe, giraffe ooh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh" is just gorgeous. You love listening to Daddy play his guitar and you will often join him for a jam on your drums.
Your words and sentences are zooming ahead. You dont shut up - wonder who you got that trait from ;) You have started to say that something you really like is "the best thing ever", but you pronounce ever as "eber" which makes my heart melt. You follow me around asking "what's that Mummy?" pointing to Every. Single. Thing. we pass. Lucky you are so cute!
You are still doing swimming lessons with Daddy every Saturday morning and You are gaining in confidence each week. At this point in time, it seems like you may have inherited Mummy's co-ordination on land - so we will focus on your swimming - ha ha!
You are growing into such a delightful little boy. Your manners are beautiful and your compassion for others is already shining through. Thank you for the joy, laughter and love you bring to our lives, we love you to the moon and back xxxxx

Yep, Mummy put you in a onesie - you're welcome!

Linking up today, as every Tuesday with Jess from Diary of a SAHM for IBOT. Head on over to check out some posts.