This is my top five list of what I felt we couldn't live without for the first twelve months after having Master Z -aside from the basics - and like I said to my friend, listen to every bit of advice you receive, but cherry pick the bits you think might work in your own life. Like with anything parenting related, there will be many differing opinions on what is needed, what is an extravagance and even what is 'good' or 'bad' for a child.
1. Muslin wraps - copious quantities of these. From the first days in hospital, Z was wrapped tight and it was an easy way to get him to settle. He was also a 'spewy' child and every feed was brought back, so they doubled as spew rags as well. I would have gone through about 6 wraps a day - lucky they laundered well. I would only recommend getting ones that are 120mm x 120mm as a minimum - anything smaller doesn't give enough for a good swaddling.
2. Bumbo - there are differing brands on the market at the moment, but we have a Bumbo. From as soon as he had head control, it was a brilliant tool to give him an opportunity to sit supported and allow me to have a free hand when I needed it. We used it as a feeding chair once he started solids and took it traveling with us in place of a high chair.

3. Rocker - we have a Fisher Price 'My Little Lamb Cradle and Swing'. At around $300, they don't come cheap, but is honestly the best baby investment we ever made. It comes with several musical tracks and a rocking motion, forwards and backwards or side-to-side. We would put Z in it and he would happily sleep for hours. On days where he just wouldn't settle, we would put him in and it would rock him to sleep in seconds. It is brilliant!

4. Pram - this was our most expensive item, but was also the one item that got flogged in the first twelve months. Prams are one of those things that polarize Mums - 3 wheeler vs 4 wheeler, forward facing vs facing mum, Mountain Buggy vs Bug-a-boo. We have an Emmuljunga and it was perfect for our needs. Z was able to sleep in it up until about 18 months, so it was always easy to get him to sleep when we were out. The one recommendation I can make is try them out. Try manouvering them around those tight baby shops and check if they fit into your car boot. You would be surprised how many people have had to return prams as they can't get them in and out of their cars.

5. Baby Monitor - I think this was the one piece of equipment that turned me from an anxious Mum into a relaxed Mum. To know that the alarm would sound if there was any problems with breathing, gave me peace of mind, and allowed me to sleep without an ear open at all times. I would definitely recommend having a monitor with the movement sensor pads forth at go under the mattress and give an alarm if it senses the baby stops breathing. With so much fear around SIDS currently, it was a great back to have to my hourly check ups :) The one we have now comes with a visual monitor as well as the sound. I think this would be better, only so that I didn't have to trek to his room to get a glimpse of his gorgeousness.
They are my top 5 things. In the 2.5 years since we have had Z, there are so many new and exciting things that I am sure would make my list next time around. If we are blessed to have another successful pregnancy, I already have my eye on:
One of THESE moses baskets
What things could you not live without in the first year of your Bub's life?
This is not a sponsored post, it is just stuff I love that has served me well.
Linking up today with Jess at Diary of a SAHM for IBOT - as recently it seems I only blog on Tuesdays