Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Murtaugh List

In one of my favourite movies, (I think it has already been well established here that I am a dag!) Lethal Weapon, Roger Murtaugh, played by Danny Glover is forced to do some crazy things by his slightly left of centre partner, Riggs (played by heavily mulleted Mel Gibson). His catch phrase is "I'm too old for this shit!", but then off he goes and does them.

In one of my favourite tv shows, How I Met Your Mother, Ted has a 'Murtaugh List' things he feels he is too old for - which Barney takes as a challenge to see if he can complete everything on the list.

I had a birthday yesterday and when we were out celebrating the night before, we were discussing the things that had now become an effort, things that no longer held our interst and that we were too old for.

Queuing up - to see anything, or do anything. We used to be happy to queue forever, knowing that the outcome would be worth the time and effort. Once we queued to get the 'Download Festival' in the UK for 3.5 hours. Then we were in a car queue for 5 hours to leave it. This would not be something I would embrace now, but at the time, the destination was worth it.

Shots - another thing we were always so excited about doing. Nowdays, the consequences and subsequent hang over are just not worth it.

Pulling an all-nighter - I am now asleep by midnight, regardless of what is going on around me. I wake up to see the sun rise, I don't stay up to see it. Trying to watch the swimming at the Olympics almost killed me - I was a walking zombie. A good night out for us now had us tucked safely in bed by 1.30 am

Wearing singlet tops on a night out in winter - I now dress for warmth. We used to dress for fashion and could be found in teeny tiny tops in the freezing cold. I now make sure I have enough layers on, that I am always comfortable - gosh I sound like a granny! 

Going to a rave - although I was always a guitar girl, I would happily join the throngs of people at a rave dancing to 'doof doof' music. The same music does my head in now - and on occasions, I actually like Kelly Clarkson! 

Camping at a festival - used to love it, and thought the camping as the best part, I could accept the toilets and the tentland. Now I prefer to go each day, so I can have a shower each night and get rid of the smells if being in a heaving pit of 15000 people! 

I am sure I could go on and on. These are things that made me, that I am glad I have done. But now, I am happy to be an observer of certain experiences, not a participator.

What is on your 'Murtaugh List'? What things do you think you won't ever do again? Does that fill you with nostalgia, or are you happy you have moved on, because hey, age is just a number!? 
I blog on Tuesdays with Jess @ Diary of a SAHM - head on over and check out some awesome posts.