Sunday, 21 October 2012


When it came to a proposal of marriage, I was a pretty lucky girl. I had waited 10 years for it, but it eventually came. We were on a trek through Tibet to Everest Base Camp and after a few false starts (gastro, never getting any privacy) TBone proposed on the day we spent at Base Camp, on the top of the world. I am so glad the other times he tried to propose didn't work, as the place he did propose was just magical!
We were at the furtherest spot we, as plebs who werent paying $60,000 to climb further, could go and were taking photos. Just as he was about to do it, another guy from our travel group proposed to his partner in front of everyone and I could see TBone getting really antsy. He eventually took me away from the rest of the group and popped the question. I said yes, and plans started to be made.
We got married one year later, back in Perth, surrounded by friends from our new lives in England, old friends and family.
6 years on, we have added the most adorable boy to our little family and I am still having the time of my life.
Happy Anniversary Husband xxxxx