Never thought I would be saying that, ever! But wow, I am so happy with the changes to this blog courtesy of Sass at MooZoo Designs. It is so pretty, and girly and I love everything about it. Thank you so much Sass!
I mentioned in my last post that I wanted to make this a pretty, girly place. The things of beauty that I want to embrace, but don't often get a chance to in my real life. I want some part of this blog to be about celebrating things in our natural world that are beautiful and to highlight things I find that are just 'pretty'.
The work I do has a lot of negative energy surrounding it. Dealing with people with illness and injury in a litigious environment often brings a lot of resentment, cynicism and anger. I am trying to rid my life of its negative aspects as much as possible, and I want to use this blog space to help to neutralise some of the negative energy I absorb from my work on a day to day basis.
I have also changed my domain name, but am still waiting for that to transition, so at the moment things will be a bit out of sorts.
So, here's the new me, doesn't this space look fabulous? Make sure you stop by MooZoo Designs if you are looking to inject some life into your blog.
Chantel x