Saturday, 13 August 2011


I had an exam on Wednesday and had several days put aside in the weeks before to devote to study. Yeah, best laid plans..... I even had 3 weeks off work prior to it (conveniently had annual leave to look after Master Z as my parents are in Europe). It would have been studious of me to use this time to read the textbook (yep, 12 weeks in and the pages are nice, clean and unopened...), do the exercises (Corporate Finance unit, so maths and formulas - blurgh!) and I could have even done some past exam papers. 

But alas, No. I didn't really put much time in, being very easily distracted by playing with, or watching Master Z play. Them when he was asleep, instead of studying, I spent my time playing with Blogger, reading other blogs or trying to work out what I am going to do with my blog space.

I have been reading recommendations from others in the blogosphere who seem to know what they are doing and the first thing most say is to own your domain name. The name I had chosen for my blog is a Bob Dylan song title (well, came to me from The White Stripes), and so all variations of this have been already registered as websites. 

This got me thinking about how I want "my space" to look and feel. If this is the place I come to for solace and reflection each day, I want it to be comfortable, reflective of who I am and what I like. Thinking more about things and leaving my options open for the future, I decided that only two weeks into this process, I was going to look at a new name. (I am thinking of cutting out coffee, so it would just taunt me!). 

I also thought about what type of space I wanted to create. I am not a girly girl by any shot of the imagination - but I would love to be. I would love to have my fingers and toes painted all the time, take the time to look after my skin with a beauty regime (apparently soap doesn't cut it), wear makeup whenever I go anywhere, have my hair brushed, my bras and knickers matching and I would love to leave the house without food or dirt on me somewhere. In reality, I am a tomboy, I am very messy, chaotic, disorganised, a procrastinator (hence the poor exam prep), very pragmatic and figure due to family history will be mother to boys only. 

At this stage, there is no pink in my life, nothing girly or pretty and deep down, I think I want an element of that. I have decided my blog is going to be a way I can create that in my life. With that in mind, expect a change in name, domain and look over the coming days. 
All that time I spent thinking about beautiful and pretty things, my procrastination didn't really leave much time for study. I am mad with myself, but just didn't get into this unit at all. I am not comfortable with things with black and white answers and only did this unit as it is compulsory. I much prefer being able to analyse both sides of an argument and write essays rather than find the formula that fits. Fortunately I only need 4/35 for the exam to pass the unit. I actually don't think I did that bad on the day, so fingers crossed.

I often find I am most creative when I should be doing something else. What things do you do when you procrastinate?