Friday, 5 August 2011

Last Saturday of the Month

When I first started dating my husband (16 years ago!), he hung around with a group of about 10 mates from high school. These guys have stuck tight and as girlfriends and wives have joined the group, some wonderful friendships have developed. Friendships I know will last forever and that I count as my best friends.

Over the years, some of us have gone overseas, or away to work, but whenever we have returned home, our friendships with this group of guys and their partners has picked up right where they left off.

We have all started having kids, and this along with work and responsibilities has caused our lives to get busier. This means that we have often gone months without seeing one another.

To rectify this, we have decided to get together the last Saturday of each month, rotating hosts. The idea is whoever can make it attends, and the host decides the set up of the night - if it is a sit down meal, a BBQ, take away, a picnic, a bring and share, or something else. 

We have only had one catch up so far, but it worked really well and was wonderful to see everyone - and great to know that it would only be four weeks until we saw them again.

What things do you do to make sure you keep in contact with your friends?

Chantel x