Saturday, 29 October 2011

Say Goodbye to Fatty Boombah - Unexpected side effects

Sorry that things have been quiet this last week. I have an assignment due tomorrow night that I have had to procrastinate about, had more sickness in the house and had a wedding yesterday, so missed my usual Friday 12 Week Body Transformation update.

This week has been great - still nothing fantastic on the scales, but the level of energy and fitness I am feeling is making up for it. We had to do a fitness test last week and I improved my 1km time by 30 seconds, so I was stoked. I also did a super session workout the next day for our mini-milestone - and completed 5km run on treadmill, 18km bike ride and 2000m row. Burnt just over 1000 calories, and I felt brilliant.

One of the weird side effects of regular exercise and eating well appears to be a need for neatness and order. Well, this idea has thrown me for a six, as I am the most disorganised, very messy person around. I am one of those that can't abide the 'pop in' as my house always looks like a tornado has been through it. I try hard, but at the end of the day it usually stays untidy. Things get left lying around, piles of washing, of dishes and papers. Don't get me wrong, things are always clean, just terribly untidy and disorganised. 

For some strange reason, the last few weeks I have had a feeling of unrest, a feeling that things need to change around here - and I can only put it down to exercise and healthy eating. I haven't changed anything else in my routine - still using the same washing powder and shampoo, but I have felt the insane need to get my shit together and get things in order. It has been a strange paradigm shift for me, but it has happened and is happening slowly. 

I know that Kate is big on systems, so I checked through her archive and came across her mentions of the Fly Lady and things just clicked. The Fly Lady focuses on a little cleaning and often - like the exercise on this 12 WBT - and she breaks everything down into manageable tasks. I think this is one of my big issues - I want everything to be perfect immediately and when I can't keep things perfectly clean, or maintain it at a level all the time, I just abandon it - probably a bit like my weight - interesting to ponder!

The FlyLady recommends starting with a shiny sink and making sure that when you go to bed each night, that the sink is shiny. For someone who ALWAYS went to bed with dirty dishes in the sink and never seemed to get through the pile, this was going to be a big ask. But wow!, you wouldn't believe the simple pleasure this shiny sink has given me each day and how easy it has been to tackle one small thing each day. Slowly over the last 2 weeks, the house is coming into a good order, and seems to be staying that way. There have also been simple systems introduced and so far, so good.

So, I can't come up with any other reason for why I have had this need, this need to order and maintain, other than the fact that I am organising and maintaining my exercise and eating habits. Something must be rubbing off into other areas of my life! If I could only get that urge to finish the assignment that's calling me......................................

Have you had any weird side effects from any life style changes you have made?

Chantel x