Friday, 4 November 2011

Say Goodbye to Fatty Boombah - Week 6

Sunday will be the end of Week 6 of the 12 Week Body Transformation and will be the half way mark. 

I have lost 6 kilos so far, so am sort of on track for my 15 kilo target - just need to step it up a bit. I have found it really hard to exercise this week as I have been sick a few days, so haven't really ventured out of the house. I had a migraine Monday, which although sounds bad, I take as a good sign as I only get them when my hormone levels are changing. I figure as I lose weight and fat burns, my hormones change, so often when I have been dieting or exercising I will get a migraine. That's me trying to see a positive out of 32 hours of hell and a foggy head!

I need to kick the exercise up a level, so will try and fit in a Super Session at the gym tomorrow with a 5km run, 10km bike ride and 2000m row again. 

We are going away for a week soon, so that is going to be a pressure point for me. We are going to wine country, so I will need to do everything in moderation. My plan is to do all 3 DVDs each day, as well as doing a walk each day - which will happen as the scenery where we are going is just magic! We will eat out each lunchtime, and cook dinners in our chalet, so I will make sure our dinners are pre-planned and will have salads for lunch - which I am more than happy to do this time of the year. Wine will be my downfall, but I am not going to say 'No' to it, as I would then end up begrudging everything, throw a tanty and throw all my hard work out the window. I think I will approach it with moderation, allow myself a glass or 2 a day and not have any snacks. I think this will be the best way for my mindset and I will just have to hit the exercise extra hard.

So half way, and still really enjoying it! Have a great weekend. 

Chantel x