Thursday, 3 November 2011

Thankful Thursday - 30 minute special

I am just not finding any time to write blog posts at the moment, so decided I would have a crack at writing one in the 30 minutes I have for my lunch break. I figured that linking up with Kate for her Thankful Thursday would be a good way of keeping myself to a time limit.

I love this time of the year. It seems as though once we hit November, we embark on a whirlwind of social events, holidays and sunny days, with no let up until after Easter. This week I am thankful for:
  • Holidays - we are going to spend a week in a chalet on a farm down the south of the state. Can't wait! TBone has been working long days with only Sundays off since June and it will be so nice to spend some time together relaxing, drinking some wine, reconnecting and enjoying Master Z.

  • Christmas - November 1st means I can get out my Christmas planner and start using my christmas mug and breakfast bowl. I love Christmas. I love the decorations, the festivities, but most of all I love the family traditions. This year, I am excited that we can start our own little family traditions as Master Z is old enough to understand. We will be able to go and choose a tree to chop down, we will be able to decorate it and he will be able (sort of) to understand the whole Father Christmas and present thing.

  • New Cars - we pick up a new car on Saturday. I love the smell of the interior, the excitement of putting the first kilometre on the clock (yep, saddo here!) and finding out all the new features. And this one is red - so surely it must go faster???!!
30 minutes almost up, just enough time to link in to Kate's page.
What are you Thankful for this week? Head on over to check out everyone's week.

Chantel x