Saturday, 11 February 2012

Fresh Horses and Funerals

This week for the Fresh Horse Brigade, Eden has asked us what song we would like played at our funeral.

I will admit, this pushes me a bit as I am not that comfortable thinking about my funeral - purely and simply as I am not ready, I don't want to die any time soon and my heart aches to think I would have to leave my boys behind. When I asked TBone about this topic, he was very quick to dismiss it also. La La La La, hands covering the ears, La La La.

I have been fortunate to only have ever attended 4 funerals in my life and have not really been that exposed to the sad side of death. I am touching wood with desperation as I write this. (The 11 yr old boy in me is giggling writing that line).

My Grandpa didn't have a funeral - that made me angry as I felt cheated out of an opportunity to say goodbye. He also donated his body to one of the universities. This upset me as well, as I have been an anatomy student and I know the lack of respect shown by many 17 year olds when they work with these donated bodies. At 17, you say things in front of your peers for a laugh and it saddened me to think someone might say something about him lying there on the cold metal gurney.

I have also had amazing opportunities to work in pallative care. To be allowed to work with people at the end stage of their life is the ultimate privilege. The work an OT does is simple, organisational, but it can make such a huge difference to a person having their last days the way they want them, on their terms. The work is heartbreaking, but so rewarding at the same time. It is an honor to be able to be part of someone's life at this very personal time.

I thought it would be easy to choose a song that I wanted to be played as a celebration of my life. In reality, it is really hard. You want the song to represent the memories that you leave for people - even though in truth, no-one is really likely to remember what is played.

I don't think I want 'funeral' songs per se, I think I would more like a 'mix tape' of the important songs in my life. I always said I wanted 'Hallelujah' - any of the versions - Leonard Cohen, Tim Buckley, Jeff Buckley or perhaps even the Tea Party version.

I would like 'Imagine' from John Lennon to be played.

I would like the acoustic version of Foo Fighters 'Everlong' to be played.

and I would like something from the Tea Party played. (Yep, 90's tragic strikes again - and yes, I am one of those saddies that is VERY excited they have reunited).  I thought choosing their song would be easy as most of their work is quite dark and about life and death, but nothing jumped out. Something that highlights Jeff's amazingly beautiful voice - perhaps 'In This Time'

or 'Release'

or 'Halcyon Days'

or are they a bit weird because of some of the lyrics? Perhaps one of their instrumentals would be better like 'The Badger' or 'Winter Solstice'

Whoah! That was a bit self-indulgent - but I suppose that is the point!
Definitely something that needs more thought on my part as I would hate to not have music as a major part of any celebration of my life. I would want my wake to be full of 80's indi and 90's grunge also, so might just have to make a more comprehensive list :o)

Head on over to Eden's page to see what other's have chosen.

Have a great weekend.

Chantel x