I am a few weeks late with this post, but thought I would still put it on here, as a record of how things are in your life. I have been looking for some photos to add to this post, but you just can't have a photo at the moment without closing your eyes and opening your mouth. As soon as I say 'cheese', that's the face you pull.
This year has been a jam packed year for you, with some highlights being your awesome first birthday party, your christening, many holiday's 'down south' and your second birthday on Rotto.
Let's just remind you of the awesome Iggle Piggle Cake your mummy made your for your first birthday party:
Yeah, and sorry, but your 2nd birthday cake was brought to you by Rottnest bakery - a lot less work for Mummy!
You love The Wiggles, Thomas the Tank and Bob the Builder. You have the cutest singing voice and walk around the house singing "Chugginton" and "Hot Potato". You are learning more and more words everyday, though I think you have inherited your Daddy's listening skills, as some of the sounds that come out are pretty way off. I think you also have your Dad's ability to tune your Mummy out - I have no chance!
You love spending time with your cousin's Z and little baby J. Your best friend is your big puppy sister Princess K - who you call Caeser - even though you are very wary of being struck in the face with her exuberant wagging tail. You love being outside, you love the water and love playing in the sandpit.
You go to sleep with Ted Ted, a bottle of water and a sleeping bag. If any of these are missing from the equation, sleep will not occur. You are an excellent sleeper, sleeping from 7pm - 7am the majority of the time and you still have a 3 hour nap each day to let Mummy play on twitter clean the house.
You started one day a week at day care and have been a superstar there. You caught a new bug pretty much every week you attended for the first six months, but hopefully you are now over that, with a very good immunity. You have been at a new daycare this year and really seem to be enjoying it - particularly the slide.
You are a gentle, sweet, loving boy, who makes our world light up. You always have a smile on your face and you have an amazing patience and perseverance. You bring so much joy to everyone around you and it is a privilege to be your Mummy and Daddy.
Happy second birthday Master Z, we love you to the moon and back.
Mummy x