Sunday, 26 February 2012

Happy Birthday Nanna

Yesterday was my maternal Nanna's 91st birthday. Last year, for the big 90, there was a massive celebration with all that have crossed her path. This year, it was just a small BBQ with the immediate family that could make it. She has 5 children with 5 inlaws, 12 grandchildren with 8 inlaws and 9 great grandchildren. As always, it was bring a dish and own meat and the spread was amazing (if only I remembered the camera, I could have been a food blogger!). As with any of our family get-togethers, the thermomixes were working overtime.

Nanna loves being around her family, thrives on the hustle and bustle and gets a kick from the harmless ribbing among the family. At one point, after the mandatory 'candle blowing out' she thanked everyone for coming, the food that was prepared and informed us that she is happy knowing that when she does pass over, we will all have each other - and there was the suggestion that at least the wake will be well catered for.  

She has the song picked out for her funeral - not one I am familiar with, but something about the end of a rainbow - as she says that is where Grand Dad is waiting for her. She has talked a lot about this over the last 2 years and Grand Dad has started to visit her a lot in her dreams. She is well and truly ready to go and often says how surprised she is when she wakes up some mornings. Although she is still very physically and mentally well, she will often not let us make plans too many months ahead for her saying "No dear, I don't think I will be around by then". It is as though she is preparing us for the time she does go, she knows she will leave such a big hole in all our lives. 

She is a true matriarch. She keeps our family together and does not tolerate nastiness of any kind. She is a nurturer - not in the 'born to be a mother' sense, - but she has always provided what we have needed from her, when we have needed it - whether that be a meal, a roof over our heads, or words of advice. Many, many people outside the family have been taken in by Nanna and been given a home when they have needed it most. She always had an open door policy and whenever we visited her, there would most likely be a stranger staying with them who became part of the family.

Her generosity, compassion and giving nature is truly an inspiration.

Happy 91st birthday Nanna. Looking forward to celebrating your 92nd!

Chantel x