Friday, 2 March 2012

Fitness Flights of Thought

Saturday is my day at the gym. I use the treadmill, the cross trainer and the rowing machine until I burn at least 1000 calories. Usually takes me around an hour and a half. 

 please excuse the elephant wrist - WTF is with my skin????
Last Saturday I spent the time listening to my thoughts and was astounded, perturbed and slightly amused by some of the things that jump into my head when I am concentrating on something else. When I am exercising, as I am pretty unfit, all my energy is focused on the movement. My mind seems to disengage from my body and only occasionally checks in to what is happening in my surroundings. My body goes onto autopilot and my mind wanders - and what a path it takes! Here is a few minutes snapshot of some of the leaps it made over the time I was slogging my guts out:

  • Wow, that guy from Nickleback looks exactly like the Prince in the cartoon on the next TV
  • That guy from Nickleback has aged pretty well (oh dear)
  • (singing in head) 'What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger' - I Love this song, great to run to. Damn, does this mean I like Kelly Clarkson? How did this happen? Hope no-one can hear me singing. Can someone put on triple J?
  • I miss Rosie Beaton on the Requestfest - I remember when she used to answer the phones when Michael Tunn was on
  • What ever happened to Michael Tunn? Wonder if he ever looked over 12?
  • Oh, its the Pillow pets ad again- how would they ever sell any of those? Who would buy them? Actually, I think L, O and S have one, they must have thought they were OK.
  • I suppose I still had an imaginary zoo out the back when I was 9
  • B must have thought I was crazy, but she went along with it
  • 9 year old girls are so much more mature than I was
  • I don't think I could handle having girls
  • I would be so worried about the sex thing
  • I am so worried about Z being old enough to have sex - is 14 when they start doing it now? That's only 12 years from now.
  • 14, I am sure I still had an imaginary zoo out the back at 14. Hold me!
  • Oh look, my heart rate monitor says I have already done 400 calories. The machine is only saying 180 though - wonder why they are different? Must be as my heart rate monitor has my weight programmed in. Lucky I am so fat, so much easier to burn the calories.
  • God I hate being fat. Can't believe I let myself get to this weight. If only I didn't deal with pain by eating. If only I had checked myself at the time. Wish I didn't love bread
  • MMMmmmm bread - I need to make some foccacia to take tonight. It will need 90 minutes to prove, I have only 3 hours til we go, better run faster. 
  • My Kitchen Rules ad. Can't believe I have been sucked into this season. God I hate that Thomas guy, brings out the urge to smack his concave face in. That Carla chick can't be much better if she hangs around with him. Wonder if they can actually cook. 
  • Can't believe J and K are getting married. So exciting. A wedding to look forward to. Wonder if they will get married in Hawaii. We will need to start saving to go. Hope it fits in with next baby plans. They wouldn't get married for at least a year though, so that should work.
  • I will send her a text to say yay!, welcome to being a WAG. Actually that won't work, she has already been a girlfriend. That would be naff.
  • Wonder if she likes us girls? Hope we make her feel welcome. I don't think we are too bitchy. Do we come across as bitchy? 
And it goes on and on.... can't believe some of the wanderings and how I get from one point to another, but I am sure there is some logical flow. Whatever it takes to finish the exercise session!

I am loving exercising as part of the 12 WBT. I am trying to stick to around the 1200 calories a day, but am not totally sticking to the menu plan as a lot of it is not to my taste. It is great for providing me with motivation on the exercise side though and I am loving the feeling of adrenaline through my body and serotonin souring through my brain. It is such a great natural high.

I am linking up today with Kate at Kate Says Stuff. Head on over and check out other people's 12 wbt journey.

Chantel x