Eden's post on Saturday about signs in our life got me thinking. People spoke of signs in the form of feathers, rainbows and songs. I am a big believer in signs, but wasn't sure how mine manifest. I then read some posts from the inspiring Kate at Kate Says Stuff and I realised that my sign is things I read. It is other people's words that I find meaning in, that resonate with me, that give me a swift kick into action, or that let me know everything is going to be OK. I often stumble on to things that are the perfect message for me at that point in time. And I take that as a sign.
Kate wrote her thankful post on Thursday from the year 2017. I love Kate's view of life. I am a big believer in believing in something to make it be. Whether you want to call it manifesting, The Secret, The Lucky Bus like Kate does, or divine order like my beautiful Nanna does, I like to believe the universe works in mysterious ways to help our castles in the sky become a reality. I realised that to get my head into gear and to get things moving for me, I needed to do this too. My vision boards haven't been updated for ages, so I took Kate's post as a sign to reaffirm in my mind (and give the universe a gentle reminder) of where I want to be.
Its the beginning of 2017 and the beginning of our 5th year 'up North'. We have had an amazing few years and despite missing our family like crazy, it was the best move for us and I am so grateful we had the opportunity to do it. TBone's job bought us here and he has loved every minute. He has developed skills and gained experiences that he would never have had if it wasn't for the move. One more year, then we head back to Perth and he starts a new chapter in his career. Exciting and scary for him all rolled into one.
We have lived in the same house here for the whole time thankfully. I couldn't have handled moving every 12 months. Fortunately it is a roomy place, with aircon, in my preferred suburb by the coast and a huge yard that Princess K has adored. Who would have thought the Bernese Princess would thrive in 46 degree heat! She has had several shaves, but still looks gorgeous and our daily walk by the beach keeps her trim.
Master Z has just turned 7 and started Year 2. He is the most adorable, wise little soul with an amazing compassion. I can't wait to see where this compassion leads him in life. He has a quirky sense of humour and loves everything musical. He is the best big brother ever.
After a few false starts, we welcomed baby 2 into our lives in the early weeks of 2013 and she has just turned 4. Didn't think we could get a baby as placid as Master Z, but she is probably even more laid back. She slept through from early, and is a very inquisitive Miss. She has her Daddy's creative streak, and definitely marches to the beat of her own drum. Don't quite know how I am the only pragmatist in a house full of dreamers!
The baby of the family has just turned 2. I am seeing him more and more like a little boy and less as a baby each day. That breaks my heart, but excites me at the same time. It is such a wonderful age to see his little personality start to shine right through. He too, is laid back - those relaxed genes from Daddy must be super dominant. Thank goodness the anxious, highly strung ones from Mummy lucked out.
I have loved every minute of being a stay at home mum. I have had my moments, as any mum has, but it has been a great thing for me to do and I am so grateful to have been able to do it. The main thing the move North has given us is time. Time to spend with the kids, time to keep the house clean, time to finally finish my MBA and MLA, time for myself and time for us. When we move back to Perth in 2018, I will start to put feelers out for work, nothing major for the first few years, but I want to try and get some base level experience in my chosen field so that when I am ready to go back to work, I can do so with guns blazing.
We have been so lucky with our own house being leased the whole time we have been up here, and the council has just changed zoning. We have the luxury at the moment of deciding if we sell outright, subdivide and build, or level and build to sell. The new stadium and all the development around it have made our land increase significantly in value and means we can move to one of the suburbs we want to without too much fuss. It is wonderful that the most pressing thing on our minds at the moment is which of the schools they are enrolled in do we want the kids to go to, that will pretty much make our mind up about the suburb.
The other wonderful thing that I am thankful for from this move is that it has meant that we have been able to do a bit of travel with the kids. Not too much, but we have been able to fit in a visit to Germany to see the relies, Hawaii for a wedding and we were also able to surprise my best friend for her 40th in England. Lasting memories and the kids traveled brilliantly.
The last 5 years have flown by, but they have been rich with experiences, love and lessons. I am so grateful of how they turned out and so excited about what the future holds.
Linking up very belatedly with Kate for Thankful Thursday
And even though the beginning fits Eden's brief, I don't think it does enough, so am not going to link it, but I would really like you to head on over and check her out and she is the Queen of bloggers, she is raw, honest, and totally Ace!
And now this looks like I am a meme whore, but, it is Tuesday, so head over to Jess's for IBOT
Chantel x