Saturday, 17 March 2012

Even with easy, She teaches!

Today at for Fresh Horses, Eden has asked for our favourite photos. This week's topic is a lot easier for me to do than some of the last ones, so I thought I would have a go.

Then I spent time looking through recent photos and realised that I just don't capture enough and that's probably something I should take from this week (see Eden, with you, everyday's a school day!) I am always worrying about getting a photo 'exactly right'. I need to stop worrying about the best lighting, the best pose, the tidiest setting and just take photos of life!

Here is one I took a few minutes ago of a special treat breakfast - a hot cross bun (yep, mummyfail here!)
But how could you deny that joy!

Linking up to Eden's fresh Horses Brigade. Head on over to see some great pictures

Chantel x