Now, I am reasonable. I am quite happy to eat the ground coriander seeds, and can even stomach the ground root in cooking. But, I CANNOT abide the leaves and feel it is the most useless, horrible tasting thing I have come across.
I have eaten many weird and wonderful things in my travels. I enjoy trying new foods. I am more than happy to give things a go. I happily gnaw on chicken feet at DimSum, I have eaten shark fin soup (before I was old enough to understand the eco ramifications), I have eaten battered goats intestines, Haggis, tripe, black pudding, yak in all its forms in Tibet, sour yak milk and sheeps eyeballs (or maybe that one was an Indiana Jones movie, but there was some type of eyeballs!)
Coriander, to my palate is the most totally objectionable.
TBone knows this.
So why, would he have thought that he could sneak some of Gourmet Garden's Coriander paste into our Burrito chilli on Friday night? He ruined Mexican night for me (favourite meal of the week!!!) and I had to resort to having baked beans in my burrito.
He thought he could get away with it, he swears he only put half a teaspoon in, he was sure I wouldn't even notice.
He was wrong!
I smelt it before it entered my mouth, but was sure he wouldn't have been silly enough to put it in something we were eating together.
I took measures to ensure it NEVER happens again.
Not impressed - but luckily for him, I got the giggles that he was being so quietly smug and thought he could get away with it and I called him on it immediately. He was also lucky that it was Friday night and there was a beer in my hand.
Next time he might not be so lucky..........
Is there any food you find objectionable?