Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Welcome to my new site.....sort of......

Testing, testing, are you receiving me?

I am going to have to call this a 'soft opening'. As usual, my best laid plans turn to poo.

Plan was to have new blog design, new url, new facebook page, all ready to go in one beautiful, orchestrated 'boom!'. But, unfortunately, technology got in the way and I haven't been able to do a few things I had wanted too. And just like me in real life, it is all a bit wind swept, thrown together with a few holes in the t-shirt for good measure.

But first ....... doesn't it look pretty! I love the colours - kept from the old design, so it has the same aqua and fairy floss feel, but just a different name. The wonderful Sass from MooZoo Designs did it, I am in love with it's prettiness! I am not totally in love with having my face on the page, but will have a play with it - I think it distracts from the cartoon/ logo thingy a bit, but it may just be that old self conscience thing seeping through. 

Why BossyMummy????
Well, the original name (pinkelephantsandlemonade) was on a whim - I was tossing up between different song lyrics for the title of this little blog I was starting. I was going through all these cool bands, with cool names - then somehow, I ended up with a Madonna song - yep, go Madge!

When I began to use social media more and more, I wanted to get my full name away as much as possible - not hard to find, I know, but I wanted to remove it a bit. As I wrote more and more posts, I realised that no matter how cool I tried to be, I mainly wrote about Master Z, and family life. For that reason, I succummed to a 'Mummy' title and changed my twitter handle first to @bossymummy. I know some people don't like being called 'Mummy', or a 'Mummy blogger', but I tell you, nothing makes my heart melt more than my 2 year old calling me 'Mummy'! 

I was reading through some of my report cards from primary school and noted that a number mentioned I was extremely  had a tendency to be bossy. I mused out loud that 'nothing has change, I am still bossy, aren't I Z?' He turned to me and said 'I love you Bossy Mummy', so it stuck from then. I don't find Bossy negative, I have been a boss, I am a mum, I do have a tendency to delegate very well - it fits.

Sooo, as part of this, I have a facebook page finally - Yay Chantel, welcome to 2012! Please head over to the very funky button to your right to view it. Only started last night, so it's a work in progress, but I am really looking forward to using it to collate and share all the awesomeness that is the interwebz. I need to fiddle around with it, as at the moment, the profile picture shows Ossy Ummy, so not that helpful!

I have some more pages coming - I only just worked out I could add them myself (baby steps people, baby steps!), so hopefully I will get my 'About Me' page set up finally!

I also have the url www.bossymummy.com waiting in the wings, so will be able to transfer / redirect on the weekend and then all will be sweet.

With this new name, look and feel, I am looking forward to getting in the mood to write more, post more photos, share recipes and general musings. I would also love to spend time writing about play - one of my passions as an OT and a Mum, so expect a bit of that over the coming months.

So, this is the new me, you can find me here, or @BossyMummy or the newly minted
facebook page or good 'old fashioned' email.

Welcome, and enjoy the ride with me!
(oh, and nab my 'button' if you wish - isn't it cute :) )

Linking up with Jess  at Diary of a SAHM for IBOT as always. Even if I don't do much writing, IBOT is always posting day. Head on over for some great reading - would recommend a warm blanket, open fire and cup of tea sorted before you start if the weather where you are is anything like Perth at the moment!