Friday, 1 June 2012


This is what I did to my husband's iPad the other day at the airport

He was so good about it, didn't get angry, just rolled his eyes and said it was "such a Chantel thing to do". So I was going to write a blog post (as blogger's do) about how I took offence to a "Chantel thing" being a negative. I was planning to include reference to the episode of Friends where Monica's mum makes the comment about "pulling a Monica" and that was something the family used to say whenever anyone stuffed something up.

Then I thought about my recent form - we have 3 good wine glasses, 3 champagne glasses and 1 of those half bottle wine glasses left from a cabinet of about 60 glasses. My record was 3 glasses in a day - separate incidents though! I have lost my 2 most recent mobile phones as I dropped one in a glass of water and one in a cup of tea - the skill to be that accurate should be commended!

I am also known for my ability to knock my shoulder on the way through a doorway, Every. Single. Time.
I don't get PMT, I tend to get the drops at that time of the month. Last last few weeks of my pregnancy with Master Z, I dropped about 5 casserole dishes (many Christmas parties). I blame hormones for all of it. 

Then, that same night, I was reading the iPad in bed (still works if you are careful not to get glass shards in your scrolling finger).  And I fell asleep. And the iPad dropped. Onto our hardwood floor. TBone ran into the room because of the noise, shook his head and walked out without saying anything.

He probably has a point.