Lhargan La Pass, Tibet
I am a pretty hit and miss blogger at the moment, and you may have noticed I have only been posting on the occasional Tuesday. I do want to do this better though, I do want to engage with my readers and build a community here, I just feel so overwhelmed with the scope and potential of blogging sometime, so I end up not posting anything.
I have mentioned before that we were looking at a potential move (for those playing along, Darryl won out) and this is now happening in early next year. I am getting so excited about this as not only is it an amazing career opportunity for TBone, it is also an opportunity for me to be a stay at home mum. This is something I have always wanted, and simply can not wait to spend more time nurturing and enjoying my little man.
I am really hoping this will also afford me the opportunity for more blogging and I have big plans. I am going to look at a whole new web design, name change and directional change which will launch in January next year. I want to pin down my 'niche' (apparently everyone has to have a niche - and efficient use of emoticons is not one :( ) I am hoping I will also be able to be more consistent as a blogger and blog regularly and hopefully improve the quality.
One of the ways I am hoping to improve content and ideas in this space, is I have just started a course run by the fabulous Holly Becker from decor8 called Blogging Your Way. The course focuses giving you tools to improve the whole blogging experience and from what I have seen so far, I think I will learn a lot. I am also really hoping to improve my photography skills. We will be moving to one of the most beautiful, desolate, magical places in the world and would be a wasted opportunity if I don't document it visually also.
So, for the next few weeks, there may be some posts that seem a bit more introspective than usual, but they are most likely part of my 'homework' for the course. If you have a blog, or are thinking about starting a blog, I definitely recommend heading to check out Holly's blog, (it is so pretty!!!) and also check out her workshops.
Happy Weekend!!!