Tuesday 9 October 2012



"they're the people that you meet, when you're walking down the street"

Growing up in a small country town, the community around you is very important. My parents instilled in us a strong sense of community, participating in events that nurtured the town and supporting our neighbours as needed.

I then moved to boarding school - a large school, but with a small boarding section. That boarding house became my community for 2 years. 5 year levels of girls from many varying backgrounds, living together in close quarters, embracing each other as family. We laughed, cried, fought homesickness and bumbled our way through crappy teenage times, making friends for life. 

Moving to England, we became part of a different community. A group of people from all over the world, exploring a new country. We became each others families, celebrating birthdays, Christmases and holidays together, filling the gaps that would usually be filled by brothers, sisters and parents.

Since returning to Perth, we have lived close to the city centre and like most suburbs, there is limited interaction with neighbours around us. That sense of local community is not found in our neighbourhoods, so we need to look for our community elsewhere. A community that has become a big part of my life and I know will continue to be when we make our big move to quite an isolated area, is the blogging community. It has reached out and embraced me and allowed me to put my voice out there, regardless of how ill formed my sentences or grammar may be. I love reading a snap shot of people's lives, commenting on their posts, finding new blogs I can explore in the same way I used to devour books and slowly developing the confidence to share my love of crafting words. 

Over the last month, I have not posted on my blog. My words have been AWOL as I don't want what has been going through my mind lately to be written as words that represent me. I have however, still felt a big part of the community. I have still been part of the wonderful IBOT community that Jess has mention previously here, involved in commenting each week. I have had regular chats with the wonderful IBOT Allstars girls, Jess, Yvette, Lyndal, Rachel, Rhianna and Denyse, I have spoken to tweeps on twitter and lovely messages have been left as both comments on my blog and the blog Facebook page. I have even been for a long walk on a beautiful spring morning with fellow Perth bloggers Yvette and Felicakes (who says that bloggers don't get outdoors!!)

I suppose what I am saying is regardless of our relationships with our families and friends (I am so blessed on both fronts) we can all benefit from being part of a community. A group of people, with similar interests, that can support each other on life's journey.

Linking up today with the most awesome Jess from Diary of a SAHM for IBOT. Head on over to her wonderful community and read some amazing words.


Unknown said...

The blogging community is great. I've only recently started blogging, and it is a great sense of community.
There isn't a big sense of community where I live either. Luckily, like you my friends and family are amazing :)

Rhianna @ A Parenting Life said...

Awe what a lovely post and how great to see you writing. Community is a wonderful thing and I am so pleased to be a part of yours. Fairy wishes and butterfly kisses lovely

Lyndal said...

beautiful lady! i was so excited to see that you had posted - and such a beautiful post too. I agree - sometimes the community is what has kept me going, it is invaluable xx

Chrissie Hanham said...

I love this post! The blogging community has been great and sometimes more supportive than my close friends and family! I think I have probably also shared more with my readers than with friends and family! xx

Unknown said...

This is wonderful. I live in a small town with less than 10 000 people and the demographics here are mostly men or older people. I dont have many friends (most of them r my husbands workmates) so the blogging community is great :) xx

Yvette said...

fabulous post!! LOVE chatting with you too hun! (and meeting up for GC coffee and whinging on our 6 km walk!) :) 

Catherine RodieBlagg said...

Really relate. We moved to the suburbs about six months ago and I haven't connected to the local community the way that I did when we lived in the inner west. I've found my blog and the senses of community at #IBOT and #FYBF invaluable!

Jess Newman said...

Oh this is such a beautiful post! We are so blessed to have you as part of out community.

Also, if we're singing sesame street songs, and taking our inspiration from there, bags being Grover. He is all kinds of awesome!

Rita said...

Beautiful post!  I feel so blessed to be part of the blogging community especially because of the fact that my family and close friend are so far away...  It gives me a sense to be part of something important and the opportunity to connect with others. 

Prue said...

We have recently moved to Perth and I have found the same thing. There is no sense of community. I've really searched for it and have been lucky enough to find it. My neighbours were just waiting for someone to introduce themselves. We now have our little street community that is slowly expanding. We live a long way from our friends and family, the blogging community gives me a sense of connection.
Great Post.
Prue x

BossyMummy said...

I am jealous of that. Some of my friends live in streets where everyone socialises together, their kids go from one house to another without a care and they have wonderful street parties. It is it's own little community, just like a country town and I miss it :) thanks for stopping by

BossyMummy said...

If you are Grover, dibs on Elmo - that dude is happiness personified (monsterified) :) thank you for nurturing your community!

Melissa Lea-Wood said...

So many things going brought my head about this! However, I will say enjoy our supportive community wherever it is! Stopping from IBOT

Grace said...

I like to call it my little on-line village. While our mums may have had the advantage of being closer in proximity and therefore, immediate support, I like to think the blogosphere is providing the same thing for me. There isn't a day that goes by when I don't have a one on one chat with a fellow blogger. It's what gets me through these days of isolation as a SAHM.

Née said...

The Oz blogging community is one of the best! Glad you find solace & support here. Hope your words return soon x

Natalie said...

My online community is the one that kept me sane when I had no community around me. I owe these "computer friends" so very much x

Jayne said...

I love this community. I too have been absent for a while, but it was always reassuring to know that everyone would still be there, still as lovely as ever when I returned :) x

info said...

wow it's great to find a fellow blogger here in Perth beautiful words that are ringing true here too... BYW student Denise

info said...

wow it's great to find a fellow blogger here in Perth beautiful words that are ringing true here too... BYW student Denise